Thursday, January 24, 2008

Life has been crazy. I've been a bit stressed at work (putting it mildly!), and I've had to completely change my diet. I'm checking for food sensitivities - corn, citrus, eggs, wheat, and milk. So far corn is fine. I added citrus back in (with a vengeance, too), and I felt like crap. I was very achy and exhausted. I didn't notice an appreciable difference in finger/toe pain, but I felt worse overall. So citrus is back out, which makes me very sad. I've seen a lot of gluten-free sites, but I haven't seen anything devoted to citrus yet. What I'm looking for are substitutions. Making fish is exceptionally difficult if I can't use citrus. So. What can I use instead? Pray to whichever god/dess/being you choose that I'm not allergic to egg! I have a feeling that wheat will be another issue causer. I know that cow milk can make me sick sometimes, so I'm saving that one for last. The plan now is to add in eggs either tomorrow or Saturday. I'll give myself a few days to see how that one goes. Then I add in wheat, which I have been craving so incredibly much!

When the spouse doesn't drive me to the train, I take two trains to get to work. When I do that, I pass by an Auntie Anne's stand morning and night. When the spouse doesn't drive me, I only smell those ooey gooey delicious pretzels at night. I am dying to have one. Which means that wheat is probably right out. From what I've been reading, the foods you crave are typically the ones you are allergic to. For me that's candy (the fruity citrusy kind), strawberries, and bread in all its glorious shapes and forms.

My dad found out that he's allergic/has sensitivities to wheat and milk the end of last week. Sometimes these things can be hereditary, so I'm not exactly hopeful for adding wheat or milk back in, which means no Auntie Anne's for me. :( Unless I get it without butter, which I just don't think is possible.

I miss my Edy's strawberry popsicles. Those were my bedtime snacks for a long, long time. The spouse would eat his ice cream, and I would have a popsicle because I can't eat ice cream. Now I have, well, nothing when he eats ice cream. I think that I'll start having applesauce. I need to buy a big ole jug. The little cups are quite convenient, but four ounces of applesauce is singularly unsatisfying.

Anyway. This is quite disjointed. I'm here. I'm muddling through. And something I had to eat today is not agreeing with my digestive system. I think it was the chips. :(

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